When you need custom name badges for your business, let Print2Go help you create the right options quickly and accurately!


  • Create a name badge for each employee

  • Choose the appropriate colour for your business

  • Helps customers identify your staff

  • Helps coworkers learn each other’s names

Name badges can be a key component of any business, whether it’s a restaurant or a salon. At Print2Go, we offer custom name badges that can be printed in your preferred choice of three colours, and we make sure everything is printed correctly. Order your badges today!


  • Available in three colours - White Aluminum, Silver Aluminum, and Gold Aluminum

  • Two backing options - pin back or magnet back

  • Full-colour or black ink printing, depending on badge colour

SizeQuantity FromQuantity ToPrice
1" X 3"110$ 28.99
1120$ 25.99
Based on the selection of product size and additional option attributes, you can view and download the help template for the product.

Price Calculator

Total : $ 28.99
Unit Price :$ 28.99
Estimated Total : $ 28.99
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